About Me
I am a freelance writer based in New Haven, Connecticut, and work primarily at the Yale University School of Medicine. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English from Columbia University in New York in 1997, and while working as a communications professional in Boston, earned a part-time Master of Liberal Arts in Literature and Creative Writing at Harvard Extension School. An essay which was included in my Harvard thesis was published in a collection of essays by Italian-American writers collected by the literary journal Creative Nonfiction. My essays have also been published in Salon, Off Assignment, and Medium.
I am currently at work on a Master of Fine Arts, focusing on Creative Nonfiction, from University of King’s College, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
I also collaborate with a friend and visual artist, Erik Flatmo, on a website, zuppainglese.org, that explores overlooked aspects of Italian and Italian-American culture through a combination of text and visuals.
Selfie taken in front of untitled (in honor of Harold Joachim) 3, 1977 by Dan Flavin at Dia Bridgehampton, Bridgehampton, NY.